Bulk Barcode Generation

API Documentation


The Bulk Barcode products allows users to validate an address and generate either standard or custom barcode. It includes four main APIs: GetToken, File Upload, Get Status, and File Download.


The Bulk barcode API is additionally secured requiring the use of Token which can be generated using GetToken API. The token received from the GetToken API must be used to invoke FileUpload, FileStatus and FileDownload APIs.

The token expires in 3600 seconds, therefore a new token must be generated each time the token expires.

The GetToken should not be used in client-side scripting such as Javascript on webpages. It is meant to be used by a system where in no end-user has access to the identity credentials provided by ADDRESSER.


Request Body: JSON

    "username": "your_username",
    "password": "your_password"
Field Type Description
username string

Your Username provided by addresser

password string

Your Password provided by addresser

Success Response

Use the generated token as the Authorization key in the headers of subsequent API calls.

    "statusCode": 200,
    "statusMessage": "Token generated successfully",
    "token": "your_generated_token"

API Errors

    "errorCode": 4073,
    "errorMessage": "Supplied identifier is invalid."
Error Code Description Resolution

username is missing.

Parameter 'username' is missing.


username cannot be empty.

Ensure that "username" is not empty for proper functionality.


password is missing.

Parameter 'password' is missing.


password cannot be empty.

Ensure that "password" is not empty for proper functionality.

Response Specification

Field Type Description


The HTTP status code indicating a successful response.



A descriptive message indicating the success of the token generation process.



The actual token generated as part of the response.

File Upload

The File Upload API to be used for submitting CSV file for bulk address validation and barcode generation. The CSV file must be provided in a specific format which is explained in the "Request Body: Form-data" sub-section of this document.

NOTE: ADDRESSER prefixes every file with date and time stamp to ensure uniqueness which is returned back in the File Upload API response. Subsequent API operations on the file must use the file name returned by the File Uplaod API.


Request Headers

Field Type Description
Authorization String

Token obtained from the GetToken API

apikey String

Your API key.

unique_subscriber_id String

Unique subscriber ID provided by addresser

header String

"yes" if the file contains headers, "no" otherwise.

column Integer

Full address column number (starting from 0).

column_index_map string

Mapping for the CSV file columns (starting from 0) to identify address, customer information, customer infromation encoding and format control code.

Assuming CSV uploaded has five columns with address (address_col) in column 3, format control code (fcc_col) in column 2, customer information (customerinfo_col) in column 4 and customer infromation encoding (customerinfoencoding_col) in column 5, the below formatted JSON is exptectecd.

{ "address_col": "2","fcc_col": "1", "customerinfo_col": "3", "customerinfoencoding_col": "4" }

address_col Actual address requiring barcode.
fcc_col Format control code determining the barcode type. Allowed values - 11 for standard barcode, 59 for custom barcode 2 and 62 for custom barcode 3
customerinfo_col Customer information that needs to be encoded into the barcode.
customerinfoencoding_col Character or numeric encoding types. Allowed values "N" (to be used if only integer values 0 -9 used as customer information) or "C" (to be use for values A to Z, space, #, a to z and digits 0 to 9).

Request Body: Form-data

You should export your address list using the CSV file format. The file should meet the following rules:
1) One address per row.
2) There should be a minimum of four columns in the file - address, format control code, customer information and customer information encoding.
3) Other columns can be included, but will be ignored by the system.
4) Maximum rows in the CSV file should not be more than 1000.

Sample python code

import requests

url = "https://api.addresser.com.au/barcodebulkverifyupload"

payload = {}
headers = {
  'apikey': '**************fCLg',
  'Authorization': 'eyJraWQiOiJh*******',
  'unique_subscriber_id': '*******8cec175991',
  'header': 'yes',
  'column': '1'

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload, files=files)



Success Response

    "statusCode": 200,
    "statusMessage": "File uploaded successfully",
    "filename": "2024-03-01 02:00:04-yourfilename.csv"

Token Error Responses

    "message": "Unauthorized"
    "message": "The incoming token has expired"

API Errors

    "errorCode": 5015,
    "errorMessage": "Form data file not found"
Error Code Description Resolution

Uploaded file type is not valid.

Ensure that the uploaded file is in a CSV format only. Check the file type and reupload a valid CSV file.


Subscriber not found

Verify the unique-subscriber-id provided; it should exist in the system. Correct the ID and resubmit.


Internal Server Error

This is a server-side issue.


Uploaded csv file is Empty

Ensure the CSV file contains data. If it's empty, add valid data and upload the file again.


The file uploaded is not utf-8 encoded. Please cross check the file and reupload

Save the file in UTF-8 encoding and reupload it.


File uploaded successfully

No action required; the file has been successfully uploaded.


This file is not valid for batch process please check your remaining quota and reupload the file

Verify the file's eligibility for batch processing. Check quota limits and reupload a valid file.


csv File contains special characters in it.

Remove any special characters from the CSV file and reupload.


header value must be yes or no

Set the header value to 'yes' or 'no' as required.


The provided parameters are missing. Please make sure that to provide these parameters

Check and include the required parameters that are missing.


These parameters values must not be empty

Provide non-empty values for the specified parameters.


API key is missing or invalid.

Provide a valid API key or ensure that the key is included in the request.


Please select a file for the bulk validation

Choose a file for bulk validation before submitting the request.


Form data file not found

Ensure that the specified file in the form data exists and is accessible. Check the file path and try again.


Form data key must be 'file'

Use 'file' as the key when submitting form data.


The file is not in correct format. Please check it again and reupload

Verify the file format and structure; reformat or correct the file and try uploading again.


The file contains only header and no addresses to process. Please cross check the header parameter and try again.

Confirm that the header parameter is correctly defined, and the file contains data rows. Adjust the header parameter if needed and reupload.


These json parameters values must not be empty

Provide non-empty values for the specified json parameters.


The provided json parameters are missing. Please make sure that to provide these parameters.

Provide valid json parameters.


The uploaded csv file has incorrect data in the following rows (row no.s). please recheck the columns fcc, custinfo and custinfo encoding and there combinations. For reference please go through the website documentation. (or) Please check the header parameter value as that must match with the file, if the file contain header please keep the header parameter values as 'yes' or else 'no'


The uploaded csv file has empty cells in the following rows (row no.s).


Invalid address column number

Provide valid input parameters for columns as specified in the documentation.


Invalid fcc column number

Provide valid input parameters for columns as specified in the documentation.


Invalid custinfo column number

Provide valid input parameters for columns as specified in the documentation.


Invalid custinfoencoding column number

Provide valid input parameters for columns as specified in the documentation.


The provided json parameter values for 'column_index_map' key are same. Please cross check the JSON parameter values and retry

Provide valid input parameters for columns as specified in the documentation.

Response Specification

Field Type Description


The HTTP status code indicating a successful response.



A descriptive message indicating the success of the file upload process.



The name of the uploaded file, and the original filename is concatenated with the timestamp(prefix).

File Status

The File Status API to be used for retrieving the status of the files uploaded to ADDRESSER for bulk processing. The API provides two ways of retrieving the file status. The first way is to retrieve the status of all files submitted so far, and the second way is to query the status of a specific file.

NOTE: ADDRESSER prefixes every file with date and time stamp to ensure uniqueness which is returned back in the File Upload API response. Subsequent API operations on the file must use the file name returned by the File Uplaod API.


Request Headers

Field Type Description
Authorization String

Token obtained from the GetToken API

Request Body: JSON

(List all files)

    "unique-subscriber-id": "your_unique_subscriber_id"
(Specific file)

    "unique-subscriber-id": "your_unique_subscriber_id",
    "filename": "yourfilename.csv"

Success Response

    "body": [
            "items": [
                    "batch_started_at": "2024-03-01 02:00:12",
                    "filename": "2024-03-01 02:00:04-yourfilename.csv",
                    "file_downloaded_timestamp": "",
                    "records_failed": 2,
                    "report_filename": "2024-03-01 02:00:04-yourfilename.pdf",
                    "batch_status": "completed",
                    "number_of_records": 17,
                    "quota_used": 0,
                    "records_succeeded": 15,
                    "failed_reason": "None",
                    "uploaded_timestamp": "2024-03-01 02:00:04"
            "unique-subscriber-id": "****-****-****-019d1****"
    "statusCode": 200,
    "response": "success"

Token Error Responses

    "message": "Unauthorized"
    "message": "The incoming token has expired"

API Errors

    "errorCode": 4010,
    "errorMessage": "Invalid input fields provided."
Error Code Description Resolution

Invalid input fields provided.

Provide valid Input fields for proper functionality.


Internal Server Error

This is a server-side issue.


Invalid unique-subscriber-id.

Verify the unique-subscriber-id provided; it should exist in the system. Correct the ID and resubmit.

Response Specification

Field Type Description


Contains an array with a single object representing the main response body.



Contains an array with a single or multiple objects representing details about the processed batch.



Timestamp indicating when the batch processing started



The name of the processed file with the timestamp.



Timestamp indicating when the file was downloaded (empty if not downloaded).



The number of records that failed during processing.



The name of the generated report file with the timestamp.



The status of the batch processing (e.g., "completed").



Total number of records in the batch.



The quota used for processing the batch.



The number of records that succeeded during processing.



Reason for failure (e.g., "None" if no failures).



Timestamp indicating when the file was uploaded.

File Download

The File Download API to be used for downloading processed file submitted to ADDRESSER for bulk address validation. Please note only files with the status "Completed" are available for download.

NOTE: ADDRESSER prefixes every file with date and time stamp to ensure uniqueness which is returned back in the File Upload API response. Subsequent API operations on the file must use the file name returned by the File Uplaod API.

https://api.addresser.com.au/barcodebulkverifyfiledownload?unique_sub=70bxxxxxx-xxxxxx-6be95d&file=2024-05-28 08:45:39-Demo_barcode_bulk_upload.csv

Request Headers

Field Type Description
Authorization String

Token obtained from the GetToken API

apikey String

Your API key.

Request Parameters

Field Type Description
unique_sub string

Unique subscriber ID provided by Addresser

file string

Filename you want to download.

Success Response

The file will be downloaded in its original CSV format.

Token Error Responses

    "message": "Unauthorized"
    "message": "The incoming token has expired"

API Errors

    "errorCode": 103,
    "errorMessage": "File not found"
Error Code Description Resolution

The unique subscriber id not found.

Verify the specified unique subscriber ID; ensure it exists in the system. If correct, check the file association with the ID.


Internal Server Error

This is a server-side issue.


File not found

The specified file is not found. Double-check the file name.


The key parameter must be 'file'

The specified key parameter must be 'file'. Double-check the parameter provided.


The key parameter must be 'unique_sub'

The specified key parameter must be 'unique_sub'. Double-check the parameter provided.


The key parameter 'file' and 'unique_sub' is missing

The key parameters 'file' and 'unique_sub' is missing. Double-check the parameter provided.


The key parameter 'file' is empty

The key parameter 'file' is empty. Double-check the parameter provided.


The key parameter 'unique_sub' is empty

The key parameter 'unique_sub' is empty. Double-check the parameter provided.

Response Specification

The file will be retrieved in its original CSV format,featuring additional columns appended to include response data.